My Sincere Appreciation goes to the Almighty Father (God) my Creator, Protector, Guardian, Comforter and Giver of Life for bringing me into this world, my Family and My Loved Ones to be alive up till this present moment not minding the Pandemic Outburst.

Family have always been a solid backbone to who we are, who we become and how we relate to the outside universe. There’s a saying “Charity begins at Home- Upbringing of a Child start from his Home”. I’ll use this medium to say Thank You to the ADEPEGBA’s for having me as one of them by nurturing me and guiding me into becoming this personality that i am.

Teachers reward are magnanimous and can’t be totally compensated no matter how well they are been paid. Their impact in our lives is beyond measure even though we might not see it through. I’ll use this medium to say a Big Thank You to my primary and secondary teachers and to also appreciate all Lecturers in Moshood Abiola Polytechnic for their Reverence and potentials they taught us.

Mentors are those who have impacted in us in one way or the other or counselled and guided us. To those who mentored me knowingly and unknowingly, willing or unwillingly i use this medium to say A Big Thank you to you all.

Church members:
“Do not forsake the gathering of thy brethren”. Using this medium to appreciate my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

Course mates / school mates:
Sincere Appreciation to all my Primary and Secondary School mates, you guys really made childhood memorable. And to all COMPUTER ENGINEERING MAPOLY CHAPTER, You all saw what i didn’t see and decided to unlock that part of me. To my fellow course mates, may we all be successful in our endeavours. I’ll also appreciate ADVOCATE FORUM MAPOLY CHAPTER, for there immense impact, leadership and ability to mentor others aright for unlocking it in me. I can’t simply APPRECIATE YOU ALL.

To those who have been able to put up with my bad times, good times and hard times, to those who never stopped giving a listening ear to me when i needed someone to look upon or talk to, I Say A Big Thank You.

Friends :
I’ll start with these few quotes that always got me going in choosing my friends “Show me you friend and I’ll tell you who you are”, “Birds of the same Feather, Flocks Together “. Each time i remember that quote, am always happy to call you all my friend because of how proud i am to be called your friend, the characters we exhibit, the traits we portray and how we’ve stayed as friends, i say Thank You.

Daughters :
To those who have always looked upon me for advice, for counsel and guidance, to those who have called me Zaddy, to those who took me into their Uncle Zone and Daddy Zone, i want to Say Thank You.

Ex’s :
To those that left for greener pastures, am glad you all are doing well and are the ally happy where you all are presently. The moments we spent together were well spent. Thank you for the Comfort and putting up with my behaviour, attitude and character.

Have always wondered what i did to deserve such a wonderful personality. The good and bad times we’ve been through are countless but I’ll simply say THANK YOU FOR BEEN REAL.

To Me, Myself and I:
Adepegba Oluwasegun (OFFICIAL BATOS), you’ve been a blessing to your generation and you can outrightly say you deserve A WHOLE LOT OF ACCOLADES.

Kindly note : Names were not mentioned except the writer reason been if he starts mentioning names, it will take forever to thank everyone who have been in his life.

©Adepegba Oluwasegun

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